Oct 28, 24

Written by Zachary Kingery

Does your company install solar in a saturated market? Are you having trouble finding commercial leads, even as your competitors build effective outreach programs?

With SolarScope’s new solar detection feature, transform your vague intuitions into clear, actionable market insights. Our platform allows you to see every existing installation in your area so that you can understand where the market has been and where you should go next.

Here’s how it works:

First, use our market intelligence platform to break down trends in your service area: SolarScope shows you the industries, building size ranges, and company profiles that present the best opportunities for your business. For better results, input your existing sales data – both closed deals and fish that have fallen off the hook – and see why a given marketing campaign was more or less effective.

Once you set a strategy for your sales teams, purchase decision-maker contact information to feed your pipeline the best prospects in your region. With solar-specific data fields such as owner-occupied buildings and company ESG commitments, supercharge your area-specific knowledge with the most targeted data on the market to understand in empirical detail where solar makes sense.

We want to convert your sales process from a game of darts to a game of poker. Without information on every business you and your competitors have sold to, each new prospect looks like a random shot in the dark. With SolarScope, arm yourself with detailed insights into why a certain opportunity is worth your effort or not, and use that information to refine your sales process. Each lead you pursue will never have a perfect chance of conversion, but with data on every outreach attempt by your sales team (both successful and unsuccessful), you will move closer and closer to an optimal strategy in the ever-shifting climate of solar sales. As your prospects mature, feed results back into our sales platform to adjust your strategy and ensure that you are deploying your resources optimally.

Ready to bring your solar sales process into the information age, driving your decisions with data like never before? Check out our demo at app., or reach out to zach@ for a free service area analysis and personalized demo with our team.

Your Service Area from 10,000 Feet

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